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According to the Guild of One-Name Studies part of the objective of a Study is to research all occurrences of a surname, which may concentrate on aspects such as geographical distribution of the name and the changes in that distribution over the centuries, and it may attempt to reconstruct the genealogy of the lines bearing the surname. A frequent aim is to identify a single original location of the name. This is the case with the Grenfell One-Name Study as it would appear that, from research to date, all current bearers of that name are descendants of families who were present in the Penwith district in west Cornwall in the late 16th century and most probably stem from Sir Thomas Grenville (1460 – 1513) of Stowe Manor in the north of Cornwall.

The objective of this site is to include as many of these occurrences as possible. In many cases the data is already in the public domain and bringing it together on one site we hope will be helpful to researchers. In very recent years a tremendous volume of material has been become available on-line either free, as the result of the efforts of volunteer researchers, or on a commercial basis. Wherever copyright approval can be obtained, this information will be included on the site.  If this is not possible links to the relevant sites will be created. 


In order to protect their privacy, no individuals are included on the Family Tree databases who were born after 1915 unless their death or burial is known.  If visitors to the site find an instance where this is not the case, I would be grateful if they would let me know so that I can correct it.


The data on the site has been gleaned from many different sources – Parish Registers, the IGI, the Phillimore Marriage Index, books, wills and other documents and indexes. Also information from other researchers to whom the site is indebted for allowing their data to be included and to use their names as source references.

There are ERRORS, probably many of them but as with all data of this nature it should only be used as a guide for further research into primary sources and no guarantee can be given or implied as to the accuracy of any information on the site or the data included.

The list of Useful Links is obviously not definitive but includes sites which may prove useful or interesting to Grenfell researchers, the inclusion of the link should not be considered an endorsement of the site.

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